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Stair Lift Reviews

California & Nevada Stair Lift Reviews

If you checked any stair lift reviews on the internet, you would see that ACME Home Elevator uses the best quality stair lifts anyone could ask for. ACME is a sure bet with an owner who has over forty years of experience in the business and a company that’s been around since for over twenty-six years. One search on the Better Business Bureau website can show you that ACME Home Elevator, Inc. prides itself on its A+, top notch reviews.

Limitless stair design variety can pose a problem for some companies installing stair lifts, but ACME can install its products in any stairway due to its variety of stair lift models. Features available to all of the models include a track built to fit the stairs instead of the wall, a quality swivel seat, and a thorough testing process. The swivel seat ACME provides is important because the chair is placed between the stairs and the operator of the chair. Normally, more basic washers are used for swivel chairs, but the swivel in the Stannah chairs uses roller-bearings for a smoother swivel. There’s also an option for a powered swivel seat for a swivel that’s available at the push of a button! The previously mentioned testing process is obviously the way to go when Stannah stair lift reviews are taken into account.

The curved stair lifts have a few unique features that put their quality above and beyond the average product. One notable feature is the way the track is installed–these chairs aren’t installed in the basic way, with many pieces of rail bolted together. This makes the stair lift operate much smoother than most when coupled with the fact that the track is fit to the stairs, as any stair lift reviews will show. Another factor of installation is where the stair lift is parked. ACME provides parking options so customers can put the stair lift in a location out of the way of those who regularly walk the stairs. These options also make it possible to distance the chair from the top of the stairs in consideration of safety.

While ACME, Inc. is focused on its pristine stair lift reviews, safety and support are also strong concerns. ACME provides support and emergency help that’s just a phone call away. Also, both the outdoor and straight stair lifts have tracks that contain tough copper strips that are always trickle charging the battery; losing power will cause no need for concern, and customers will be able to get around without any extra help.
All in all, ACME knows that its customers will feel at home with their top of the line stair lifts. ACME prides itself on providing top quality service and products, and you can tell that just by looking at their stair lift reviews.